Friday, November 30, 2007

Breaking the Silence

This is my first blog post in almost a month. Maybe two. I don't have anything in particular to say. This is really just a short note to break my own ice.

But, as long as I am at it, here are a couple of updates...

  • Treva the Diva, black feminist and young scholar extraordinaire (part of my international cohort of Mellon/college graduate/Doctoral Student politicos!) has started a blog on her myspace page. Check it out at: Trevs, when are we going to hear about another diaspora conference @ Duke?
  • On the professional note, I am considering starting a second blog on my experiences trying to teach the history of the African Diaspora. More updates to come.
  • Really interesting site for history teachers looking for assignments to give their young undergrads:
...a thank you...

  • To Christina Frances - because she has helped me figure out how to get into undergraduates' heads even when they don't want me there. You're fabulous sis.
...and a question:
  • For the graduate students and young scholars out there, how has technology been helpful in teaching? Especially if you are teaching African American, African, or African Diaspora related topics? History, music, art, literature, etc...has anyone found blogs, wikis, digital archives, or other things useful? If you've got links, freeware, or just advice, I'll take it.

Finally, "A Raisin in the Sun" is coming to ABC. It will star Sean Combs as Walter Younger. I was looking for updates on this (all I have seen was a quick spot on Entertainment Tonight a few days ago) but found nothing. What I DID find was an old trailer for the original movie version, starring Sidney Poitier.

Lorraine Hansberry was fabulous. She was an amazing writer who remained politically active right up until her death. A great example of what an artivist looks like. A gift I like to give people I care about, especially those I try to mentor, is a copy of To Be Young, Gifted and Black. It's a collection of her plays, essays, interviews, etc., several of them snippets. K. Iris got one a couple of years ago. Tina Aquino is up to bat next.

In any case, Hansberry is right up there with Gwendolyn Brooks and Octavia Butler on the list of "artists I want to be like"--one day. (i.e. Cohort Quote #1: "I just want to be a legend...")

And "A Raisin in the Sun" is one of my favorite plays and that it is set in Chicago just about rounds the whole thing out for me. I hope the ABC version does it justice.

All that said, now that I've broken my silence, let's see what I come up with over the next few weeks and months....

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